I would like to let Caravan tours know what a terrible tour guide Lynn Swiriduk is: 1) she made numerous disparaging remarks about diet coke and that no one should drink this. 2) she publicly humiliated me on the bus for being 2 minutes late one day and 5 minutes late the second day. She forced us to be on the bus at 7:45 two different days (the day I was 5 minutes late). Our literature related to the trip said we were leaving at 8:00 NOT 7:45; 3) She stated that you cannot pick up germs or get sick from touching surfaces - as an RN I know for a fact that is untrue so for her to make such a blatant error is unconscienable! After 3 years of Covid, all surfaces once touched are full of germs and areas all over are always being disinfected. 4). She stated that getting vaccines and boosters will increase the likelihood of getting sick. There is absolutely no science to back up such a ludicrus statement. 5). She has the most annoying constant laugh. 6). She highly discouraged any shopping as "you don't need to buy a bunch of stuff you don't really need". She needs to keep ANY and ALL opinions to herself.
Desired outcome: I would like an apology and at least some sort of response.