after 7 years of selling on etsy, I have quit them, I will stick to other venues, they have changed, they are no longer dedicated to sellers that make handcrafted, or vintage items. They rip sellers off charging astronomical fees, they dont protect sellers, we block the trolls and mean buyers, but there not really blocked, they still troll, harass, and follow, and even buy, I canceled 10 sales in a row after denying sale to this one troll, the people Etsy attracts are not nice, for every 1 good buyer there is 20 bad ones. Some plain out evil and cruel, even telling sellers they should die, and calling them names, and when yo0u report it to Etsy they done do a thing, they allow the abuse from trolls, that abuse sellers. I worked hard for over 7 years selling my items, please buyers, over and over, and still I get harassed. Questions that dont pertain to my items, and evil comments, or questions pertaining to evil stuff, which goes against my nature. I am not impressed with Etsy and their politics, they rules, that they impose on sellers, that their pictures is not bright enough, ect, so they punish sellers by lowering there search visibility, they force you to advertise on social media and they charge you, even when you dont have social media. GREED has Taken over Etsy, demoralization has also become king, they allow sex toys to be sold, and sex mannequins, manufactured crap that is not right. Cheap products, cheap rude buyers are allowed, and where is the human help for a seller, nowhere to be found, let etsy eat it, I am done, they're sellouts to evil
it was reported repeatedly to trust and safety and nothing was done not even removal of the abusive buyers, you report the questionable items being sold on etsy, and nothing. all one has to do is look at al the, bad reviews Etsy has , on consumer affairs, BBB, and other reviews to see the lack of respect Etsy has for the little guy, Etsy is making money hand over fist from little sellers that sell a lot, I sold a lot in the 7/8 years , and put up with un fair buyers , the ones who impulse buy and buy just to be mean, not to mention certain ones that are friends of certain jealous individuals that make it their life goal to make a decent seller miserable. I sell elsewhere,
items of this nature has no business being sold on etsy
I recommend you contact the Etsy representatives directly if the abuse you've been suffering due to the escalating fees, lack of seller protection, and buyer harassment, etc., can be categorized as 'concerns' for you. Also, you can demand from Etsy to improve communications between buyers and sellers and handle the issues of harassment more effectively. If you're tired of Etsy and looking for other options, there are many such as ArtFire, Big Cartel, or Shopify that emphasize handmade or antique products.