Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to let you know that almost 2 weeks I was going on holiday with my husband on a cruise. At 7.30 am I had my cereal before we left for Southampton as I am diabetic type 2. I have to eat in order to take my medication. On chewing a red berry, my bottom tooth, on the right of my mouth, cracked. It took the top layer of my tooth out. Thankfully it didn’t stop us going away. I just had to use mouth wash constantly to make sure it was kept clean. My problem was that my tongue became very sore at it was constantly rubbing against y lower tooth, consequently causing a very large blister underneath my tongue. I got through 2 tubes of Bonjela as this was the only thing that helped ease the pain and discomfort. Upon my return I got an emergency appointment with my dentist. He has filed it right down and I am going again this coming Monday to have it built up. He asked me if I wanted a crown fitted but quite frankly it’s too expensive so I’m going for having it built up. I thought I had to bring this to your attention. I’ve only paid for the first visit but will have to pay in full next Monday. Mrs Carol Coxall