Nextdoor.Com comtinually disables accts of those members who make comments that are conservative leaning, and allow members of a liberal bent free reign to say whatever they want. It happens time and again. Nextdoor's army of Karens get upset for no legitimate reason over comments that are conservative leaning, and take them personally. The ND Karens report perfectly acceptable comments / posts, and Nextdoor suspends the conservative's acct for simply expressing opinions / view points.
Nextdoor Spooks spinelessly cancel conservatives' accounts claiming that they "hurt members' feelings", "disrespect", "off topic", etc., when in reality Nextdoor operates in a frame work of suppressing free speech, because they support the elimination of the 1st Amendment, and they allow their Karens to essentially regulate on all conservative members.
Nextdoor.Com facilitated the deaths of thousands of unsuspecting people, who received the covid shots, by suppressing truthful information about the very serious dangers of the shots. They banned accts of all members posting truthful info about the shots, and allowed all false covid info propagated by the govt to be posted ad nauseum.
Nextdoor.Com supported and facilitated the stealing of the 2020 election by suppressing truthful & documented info involving mass vote fraud, and allowed voluminous false info about the election to be spread all over their platform.
Nextdoor.Com bends their guidlines to satisfy their ideological whims. Once again, if a liberal member / Karen gets upset about a conservative comment that bares truth, the comment is either removed for "disrespect", "conspiracy", or another ridiculous claim, when it was simply a truthful comment.
Nextdoor.Com routinely supresses truth and protects disrespectful liberals Karens who sling insults at coservatives, lie about covid, lie about the 2020 election, and complain about anyone who doesn't agree with them.
Nextdoor.Com supports fascism, Communism, open borders, illegal immigration, defund police, and the elimination of the 1st & 2nd Amendments.