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Rio Bravo Reversal Complaints 7

6:40 pm EDT
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Rio Bravo Reversal Trauma Experience😭

- No running water in the patient's


-The food was really bad🤮

- Could not flush down poop or take a shower or brush my teeth

- Doctor was very fake and unprofessional

- Made up Fees

- After saying to bring $300 to $500 extra for emergency my husband had to pay an additional $400 on top of the extra $500 (for 2 small fibroids to be removed)

At first he said it would be another $700 but after seeing my husband's face because my husband was angry he took the price down to $400 and told me not to tell anyone because if I did he would have to do it for other women

- HIPAA was not followed he acts very personal questions in front of other people

- I would not recommend this place to anyone

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Update by JonesEE
Sep 06, 2023 6:16 pm EDT

The surgery was very painful in the recovery was rough, my husband had to help me to the bathroom or wherever else I needed to go it hurt to lay down. And hurts to sit up, it hurts the wall. It hurts to stand it's a lot so I would definitely suggest if you have to go back to work waiting in 6 to 8 weeks to go to work and to make sure that you have support to help you at home.

Update by JonesEE
Sep 06, 2023 6:15 pm EDT

Very Painful

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Shenita Scott
Nov 19, 2023 4:31 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thank you for your honesty

Shenita Scott
Nov 19, 2023 4:29 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

No hot running water how was you able to take a shower or wash your hands

Black kitty katt
Sep 06, 2023 5:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

How was the surgery though?

1:08 pm EST

Rio Bravo Reversal Unsanitary tools used, caused an infection

I had surgery on Nov 16th and about 1 week after surgery I started expressing that my stitches were infected. Dr. Levi diaz, his daughter Gloria (unlicensed medical student) and his office manager, Illiana, denied that it was infected. This was while I was under his care in Mexico at his recovery house. I expressed my concerns every day up until the day I left and was always told that it wasnt infected, yet Dr. Levi provided me an addition antibiotic (Levaquin) to take, even though he said it wasnt infected.
Fast forward to when I returned Stateside, Dec 2nd. I kept in contact w Dr. Levi but he continued to insist I was fine. On Dec 5th I messaged him photos of the wound/infection with no response. Then again I reached out on Dec 6th about my wound being rock hard and he called me that I was stretching too much and that is why my wound was opening (yes he blamed me for this).
I was so concerned that I went to my primary care doctor on Dec 7th and she said it was severly infected and rushed me to the hospital. My infection was so severe that I was admitted for over a week and hooked up to an IV where I had 3 antibiotics given to me. Ive been on pain meds around the clock due to the severe pain Ive been in. I have 2 open holes in my stomach that the doctor said will take approximately 9 weeks to close w the help of a wound vac. I was told this infection was caused by unsanitary tools used in the operating room. Ive reached out to Dr. Levi regarding medical records and he refuses to respond. Ive also reached out to Gloria and Illiana without a response as well.
Their recovery house is ran by a very sweet woman in her 60/70s but is NOT a nurse and has NO BUSINESS taking care of patients.
The massage therapist, Doris, is so kind but she does not perform proper lymphatic massages.

I have a long road to recovery ahead of me and have no choice but to eventually have a revision. The plastic surgeon Ive seen in the hospital is discussing doing another surgery to go in and clear the infection because the amount of infection there is. Medical bills are piling up while Dr. Levi Edgardo Diaz and staff are free to cause harm to other women.

Desired outcome: To inform others about his practices. Id also like all my medical bills to be paid caused by his negligence

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Jessica vondra
May 31, 2023 2:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got an infection from them as well. Was never able to get pregnant after.

8:32 pm EDT

Rio Bravo Reversal Tubal reversal

So I booked my tubal reversal then our state governor went on the news showing how dangerous the boarder was at mcallen so I asked about cancelling and they said I couldn't be refunded because I was within 30 days from surgery. They said I could reschedule and have my money out in a savings account which I said sure cancel it. So I didn't lose out on $650. Then I was never contacted about them confirming my cancellation or my money being moved into the savings account. So I put in a claim with paypal. I was then messaged 4 days later from "Kathy t" who was extremely rude. She told me I had to cancel the claim or I would forfeit my money and ever going there. I explained they never contacted me back so that's why I put in the claim. I told her I would cancel the claim so I wouldn't forfeit the deposit. Then once I cancelled the claim with Paypal she conveniently tells me oh because I put in the claim I forfeited the money. Mind you she told me if I cancelled the claim all would be okay then she said she didn't need to confirm my appointment was cancelled and put into a savings account I should of just assumed everything was being handle and my situation wasn't that important for a response. I personally wouldn't go to this place if that's how they handle these situations.

Desired outcome: Would like my money refunded

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Is Rio Bravo Reversal Legit?

Rio Bravo Reversal earns a trustworthiness rating of 94%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds Rio Bravo Reversal to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 28% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, Rio Bravo Reversal is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with Rio Bravo Reversal, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

We found clear and detailed contact information for Rio Bravo Reversal. The company provides a physical address, phone number, and 2 emails, as well as 3 social media accounts. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. you are considering visiting, which is associated with Rio Bravo Reversal, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • Despite a high level of trust, our investigation found issues with Rio Bravo Reversal's service, including poor customer service, lack of accountability, and responsibility to resolve complaints. Customers may face long wait times for responses, receive generic or unhelpful answers or no response at all. Only 28% of 0 complaints were resolved.
  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
10:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Rio Bravo Reversal Not a service I would recommend

I was hoping to go.. They had alot of botched surgery's and women with rings and money stolen I changed my mind and wanted half my deposit back.. They proceed to make up a fake appointment and then tells me I didn't cancel in 30 dsys.. Well I paid february 28th and surgery was on march 17th.. No 30 days to cancel.. Then kathy proceeded to bring up i'm american because I want my deposit back.. So nope you all will know how they feel about you when you are there.. You are just a american. I still want my half of deposit back. Its not like I requested full amount just what I should have back! To make up a 2016 appointment to not have to return half of my deposit is scandalous. Also a lot of these women who have been messed over post in the group and are muted or blocked. Which is why the is a rio bravo experience group you should join to see all of the reviews not just good ones. Wish it was around before I paid.

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5:29 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Rio Bravo Reversal TR

To anyone complaining bout DR Perez or DR Levi, Well i just went in August 2013 for a TR after 17 yrs and i tell you what I went in there with lots of Faith and came home with lots of Faith, even tho The first I went I had to do a turn around cause i had i severe UTI, but that was something i should have got check out before going out there but it was all worth it, the Doctors and nurses were awsome they fixed me up and had me on my way home the next day, then two weeks later i was back out there with my lovely daughter, I loved it, It was like home...I enjoyed my tyme out there...I dont know how to thank them, well i havent concieve yet here we are in november but were trying, sumtimes it takes longer then others...all i can is thank yall so much...Connie...

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Update by babyalmeda
Dec 07, 2013 8:43 pm EST

Well just updating come to find out here in November 2013, three months later had a HSG done and found my fallopian tubes are blocked and I have cyst on Ovaries, wierd cause I only had bad abdominal pain the first month of recovery and it made my OBGYN doctor run those test on me and we found out, bad news cause I just new thought I would be that lucky women, but I wasn't, We really want a baby, I have 5 from my previous marriage, my baby is 17yrs old and 7 yrs ago I met a man that weve been together and hes not abusivemhes so nice to me, never once hit or scream at me...He just wants 1 baby cause he doesn't have any babies...So if anyone can pray for us, Im having a Laparoscopic to get tubes unblock in 2 wks and im so scared, I hate the uperdural, I had that done when I got my TR, and I got scared, Ive never had it nto have any of my kids cause I hate needles...So please can I have prayers...THank U..


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Norfolk, US
Jan 13, 2014 11:37 pm EST

I got mine 12/4/12 my first hsg showed block the second 1I got done by a different Dr it hurt like crap but he forced them open but he says the tubes are too narrow for the egg to even pass. The Dr says the only thing I can do now is IVF

5:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Rio Bravo Reversal Patient Safety

My complaint is about patient safety. Before I left, Kathy T. from the Rio Bravo Reversal board told me it was okay to eat a normal breakfast before boarding the plane. When I arrived, they prepped me for surgery many hours earlier than my original time (only 5 hours after I ate my last meal).

My uneasiness began when the nurse had blood on her hands. She attempted to start an IV on me without gloves. When I questioned the blood, she walked back to the bathroom and rinsed her hands, but she did not use soap. I know this because there was no soap when I just went to the bathroom prior.

Upon entering the operating room I noticed that it was very warm. I was given an epidural and anesthesia. To my surprise, I awoke halfway during the surgery. I couldn't feel my neck up to my lips. I couldn't talk. I knew immediately that I was given too much medication in my epidural & that something was very wrong! I then started to feel very nauseated. Vomit was coming up and I was unable to turn my neck to puke! I was completely paralyzed and terrified. There was no anesthesiologist next me, not like they do here in the United States. The doctors were laughing and making Spanish jokes during the entire procedure. I was alone and my only silent cry at that moment was God. I was trying to remain emotionally calm as I could, fearing that I would die and choke on my own vomit, without ever being able to see my husband again. All I could do was pray. I was so scared. I really did not think I was going to make it out alive but by the grace of God I did.

The vomiting continued every 10 minutes, for the next 24 hours. My daughter asked the nurse if there was something for me to vomit in, and she said no. The garbage can with contaminated needles was all there was. There was no needle bin in any of the rooms, so the garbage can was it. Those 24 hours were pure hell. I thought I would never see the end of it.

When I questioned Dr. Levi about the vomiting in surgery, he replied, "oh, we would have heard you gurgling so we knew you were ok. We've had that with other patients and we're experienced with it". Seriously? I was NEVER so glad to leave Mexico and come back home. I was just so grateful to be alive and happy to see my husband again. I had a lot more appreciation for the healthcare in the USA after my experience there.

The same things that happened with others happened with me as well, such as them giving me profina which was banned in the US, the mold on the walls, etc... (though the hallways and bedding were clean), were all the same things that happened with me. The showers or room that I was in, also did not have any hot water.

I really did not save that much money. After paying for two flight tickets, I only saved about $500 less than what I would have paid in the US. The only good thing I can say about my experience in Mexico, was that the nurses were nice and the food wasn't bad. But that doesn't compensate for the safety of my experience or compromise my health when my life was at risk with anesthesia & the nurses didn't use gloves.

A year later, I found out that both my tubes had blocked. I had a 2nd reversal done with Chapel Hill in North Carolina. The experience was NIGHT and DAY. Unlike my experience in Mexico, I had NO vomiting episodes, and my recovery, health, healing & well being was so much better compared to my experience in Mexico. Now that I have experienced two different reversals in two different countries, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend Rio Bravo Reversal in Mexico to anyone.

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1:48 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I just discoverd 4 years later that a tubal reversal that was done on me in jan06 was not performed correctly. I have pictures of the sutures that were used and so you can only guess how the rest of my tubes looks. You see the white piece sticking out. Thats the sutures used

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Overview of Rio Bravo Reversal complaint handling

Rio Bravo Reversal reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 11, 2009. The latest review Trauma Experience😭 was posted on Sep 5, 2023. The latest complaint TR was resolved on Nov 10, 2013. Rio Bravo Reversal has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 7 reviews. Rio Bravo Reversal has resolved 2 complaints.
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    Hospital De Las America, Av. Las Americas № 515, Rio Bravo, 88910, Mexico
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    Jun 13, 2024

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