I sold my LV Never full on this website. The customer selected direct shipping (great that you cannot opt out of this as a seller). Right before the deadline to report anything wrong with the bag, the customer claims he received a counterfeit bag (mind you the customer's name doesn't exist, and some other man in Poland signed for the bag upon delivery).
Contacted customer support via chat (no mail address, no email, no phone available). The response is 'we trust the customers honesty'. They want the customer to send them the bag. Given that this person didn't even use a real name and someone else signed for it I will never see my real bag again (there is no control that the customer sends them my bag or an actual counterfeit one, if that is the case the seller doesn't get paid and has no way of getting their original bag back) my bag and my money is lost. 712€ to be exact. Customer "support" says that they won't do anything because they believe that their buyers are honest. They don't care if you get scammed. When asking for a mailing address and a phone number or a supervisor they straight up refuse. There are no procedures for the seller with this kind of scam. I just lost over 700€ and the buyer got himself a new LV for free! This is the most outrageous and unserious business I have ever encountered. Alone the fact that someone can just use a fake name to purchase valuable items without the company making sure that it is a real bag so that the customer can't scam is outrageous. If you want to throw away your luxury items and your money then sell here. If you want no customer support, sell here.
Ah!I had the same exact experience I wish I should know better they're scammers!they never gave my money from a sale and the got another item a lv bag as well!
They stole my bag too! They have my ysl toy loulou in possession and they're not returning it back to me.
I'm planning to make a police report. They have a warehouse in New York. I should probably go there and check them out.
Hi and did you gone to police ?
I have the same issue! My buyer reported that she got a baby blanket instead of a handbag! The bag I shipped got stolen
The bag I sold also got stolen between the shipment. The buyer said she received a baby blanket instead of a handbag. Something has to be done with this company or the courier. I’m furious!
Update: got the money from Vestiaire but the bag somehow managed to return back to me a month later. It’s not their fault but the carrier is not doing their job well. I feel bad for my buyer. Tried to contact but I got no response from Vestiaire.
Sent multiple emails and 100+ messages and NO REPLY. They sent my payment to a wrong Venmo number (off by 1 digit) and claim it was my error? No! I DID NOT VERIFY THE WRONG NUMBER. And if you look at my account information you’ll see that everything was correct. So far they have been ignoring me so I lost over $200… and this was my first sale. I WILL NEVER USE THEM AGAIN.
This happened to me! Gucci dionysus super mini is gone and they don’t pay me for it & also the sale was cancelled!
The same thing happend to me with a Gucci hat. Direct shipping he claim is a fake and send to VC a fake hat so they canceled the sale and ask me for 15 euro to get that fake hat back. I had the recipt for the hat but nothing happened. ...
The same thing happened to me! I sold a pair of Gucci shoes. Posted on 22nd Feb 2024, it was delivered on 26th Feb 2024, then yesterday 4th March the buyer claimed she received a lamp. Unbelievable!
It was meticulously packed in their original Gucci shoe box, accompanied by the gucci dust bags in a 24s outer box.
The buyer showed pictures of the same 24s outer box but with a lamp in it! this was rediculous!
Today Vestiaire said they will investigate in the courier but then I just received an email saying the sale was cancelled, so I just lost my shoes and they buyer is going to send me her stupid lamp.
This is unbeliable fraud! basically anyone buy anything from Vestiaire and just take the item out and put any random cheap thing in, taking some pictures then say they receive the wrong item and keep the item.
My seller rating is also negatively impacted because of the scammer, this is rediculous!