Hello again! It has now been a week since Home Depot, a company that is proud to serve mostly patriots and veterans, decided to keep a rule that has been scientifically proven not to work. Our veterans did not serve this great country to see their freedoms thrown away for the sake of a public health scare. In fact, it only makes COVID numbers go up and oxygen levels in body to go down, which leads to headaches and feeling light headed and that can lead to dangerous falls. Another fact about low oxygen levels, it makes people more compliant; therefore, it comes with an inability to think clearly and make decisions. So, I believe these sort of conditions could continue to be a problem while working on a day to day basis. In conclusion, I hope for a resolution that includes freedom that was paid for with the blood of soldiers from the revolutionary war. Therefore, please stop treating us like children and give us our independence to choose to wear a mask or not to wear one! Thanks for your time. God save America!
Desired outcome: Give us our independence to choose to wear a mask or not to wear one!