I rented a one-way from Manchester NH to JFK airport NY for 1 day.
Rental agreement number [protected]
The person accepting the return noticed some scratches at the roof and said its due to prior hail damage and since this is not the origin location he will have to report it. I assured that nothing happened during my possession and he also confirmed that all the scratches looks pretty old as the vehicle had more than 50k+ miles on it and there was no hail during that day. He made me sign a yellow incident report slip and also remarked that customer does not agree to the damage. He kept on reassuring me that the damage was not caused during my rental period and he will close it out after talking to the origin location.
I flew out of USA for a month and on return saw a damage report on the mail. It wanted me to fill out the form and send it back within 10 days and if not then that would would mean I am liable for damages. But i was out of the country.
I am so frustrated about this whole thing. This to be closed asap.
I emailed care@alamo.com and received a reply that this has to be addressed by Damage Recovery directly. I reached Damage Recovery and did not receive a response.
Why should I waste my time reaching out here and there when the vehicle was returned same condition i received it.
I would like to know what the Manchester location had to say when JFK location reached out to them?
Because if they say that that damage was new then i will have to challenge it.
Please understand this is very very frustrating.