My first time attempting to donate plasma ever. I had to put my dog down of 13 years and have him cremated so I needed some extra cash I’m tired. I have not slept well the last few days and I’ve done more crying than I ever have in my life I have to imagine that people here deal with a lot of stuff if you will but I however, have never felt so judged. Degraded and looked at like I was trash not by everybody there the gentleman with the long hair that greeted me when I first came in was nice however, there was a blonde walking around in blue scrubs. She was the only one in blue scrubs and everybody. I saw her deal with. She was glaring at with judging eyes and quite honestly being disrespectfully rude .She walked past me, and I nodded my head at her and she literally shook her head at me. If you do not like your job, you should not work there. Life is all about how you treat people not everything is as it seems, I did not end up being able to donate because my heart rate was 106 and I’m on stimulant medication tachycardia does not take place until 120. Anyway, I will never ever donate plasma again or attempt to, this was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life while I’m going through one of the toughest times of my life whatever you think of me which you probably think I’m a drug attic however I’m not. And that still wouldn’t mean I deserve to be treated like that. And at the end of the day, how somebody treats me is a reflection of their character, and not mine I just figured to BioLife corporation would like to know an honest review RIP ARCHIE