I was very unhappy with my instacart shopper today Saturday September 16,2023. Placed my order and for dome reason every item I had ordered was out of stock which was odd but I thought they were getting substituted didn't think anything of it. My items got delivered around 3:40 pm around there when I geab my items all the items I had ordered were there no reciept in bags which they had always placed in bag after delivery everytime. Go back to check my order which came out to about $45 from ehen I placed order which I thought I was just getting charged looked at it and saw a charge of $291.93 and a whole bunch of groceries and toiletries, zip lock bags dish soap, batteries you bame it tgat I did not order. Tell me why you guys are allowing a person to charge more than what was order from the beginning. This is stealing, this is absolutely not ok. I work hard for my money and to have $250 stolen is just unethical. Instacart should not allow their shoppers to go over what the customers had previously thought were paying for items they needed without contacting the customer first for approval. Maybe something has to change do people employed by instacart don't take advantage to buy groceries and stuff gor themselves. Very dissatisfied and disappointed.