I am a current employee, at massage envy in Lubbock, Texas, location 0495 and Ive heard throughout the years of sexual harassment coming from our boss, Todd Bains. stories from multiple former employees and a current employee as well. former manager, Shelby Charles mentioned inappropriate conversations. former therapist. Allena Pilkington mentioned after a work event, the team went to a bar nearby and for some reason pulls her phone out to show pictures of herself when she was younger and she said that the boss then says, "I'd hit that". and current employee [Redacted] mentioned at a work party that Todd comes up behind her and tugs on her hair and says, "Id put a quarter in it for a ride" or something along those lines. I heard with my own ears, him telling a former employee, Tiffany, that the bosses just got back from Vegas where he took some escorts to dinner while his wife stayed in the room. Im sure other employees have been driven away by these actions and im not sure as to why any of these ladies havent said anything, but this has all been within the 9 years Ive been with to company, and I know for sure its got to stop.
Desired outcome: justice?