This is the first online order ever where I've received the incorrect item. I am not given the option to contact the seller directly so I emailed my complaint to the online customer service. Perhaps they flipped flopped and submitted my item to a previous bidder with a similar item description? It's for a set of decorative plates. Same manufacture, but different product. This item is an antique therefore I cannot find another replica online. Greatly disappointed. I bought the items with the intent of receiving the images I had flipped through from the seller.
I ordered from Washington DC and everything wasn’t there also. I am extremely mad about it because they didn’t even say they would help. All they said they wanted to see the slip. Never heard back again yesterday. All I want is the items that were suppose to be there. I know they get a lot of these so they should find more parts for it in other places.
Email to and Provide a phone number for them to call you back as customer service will get in contact with the seller. Screenshots of item(s) you’ve purchased including the item number helps. Give them a few business days. My issue has been resolved. I was given a refund as they could not locate the correct item.
Ok, thank you!
I got an email back from shopgoodwill Info and it says attention and the person’s name to look at my ticket number and see what they can do about my missing items. I know they probably get a lot of Wii’s lol. All they have to do is give me some more controllers 5 games, power pack and the cables that connect the Wii to the tv.
Does anyone know the main complaint number so I can get this taken care of. I am scared to ever buy from shopgoodwill again!