The process for filing for unemployment in Virginia is met with unprofessional, poor managed and unorganized experience. No matter what time you call the 866 number you are unable to get through. No matter what browser you use you will have difficulty using it consistently. No matter what office you go to, you will get incorrect or inaccurate information. The answer to getting through on the phone is not come into one of our offices and pray there is a phone for you to use to possibly get through to someone. The answer is properly staff and properly monitor that the phone system is working correctly for people who can't afford gas/Lyft/Bus Fair to call from home. The answer to getting the claims to go through on the website is NOT switch computers or browsers. The answer is to have proper IT on staff to monitor that it's working correctly. Stop delaying payments and offering no way to contact you all for an answer as to why while requiring that they take a class for payments you all aren't sending anyway!