My husband had a reservation to pick up a pick up truck, made through State Farm claim department. He arrive at the location with his brother on Thursday August 31,2023 around 1:30 central time. As, he was waiting on his vehicle, the brother begin to complain about the service his witnessing. Only! The Brother! The branch manager at that time refuse to rent the car to my husband. My husband never said anything to the comments or remarks being said by the brother. I also called myself and spoke with the branch manager, and She also said She refused service to my husband because he never attempted to stop the Brother, But! Never made any personal comments AT ALL. This is and was Totally Unprofessional. If! my husband was the aggressor, I would totally understand, with me myself being in a field that deals with different types of people on a daily base. Clearly! she can't handle comments that are being reference about the service you are given or your staff. She is in the Wrong work field. Customer Service is What makes Businesses Thrive and Grow, When you Want people to Continuously to do business with you. If this is Enterprise policy, IT NEEDS TO CHANGE.
Desired outcome: I just want the young lady, to Learn and Understand, that when you have any job doing customer service, There is a way to handle everything.