I opened an account with skrill, and it was so easy to open it without much "DEMANDS", little did I know it was a trap to get me in. (Actually my friend had warned me against opening an account with them. She actually went ahead and alleged that they are thieves... I am just hoping am not about to confirm the same). They made believe that getting funds through them is the easiest and I didn't use my usual online money transfer PayPal, just to see how Skrill works. I was asked to activate my account by loading US$ 5.00. I did it and again it was easy.
Now, came my part of receiving funds. Funds were sent ok and I received it in my skrill thing account. After I withdrew some part of it, they restricted my account until I verify. I did send them all documents and countless selfies (I hate to imagine it), all they required countless times. Just for them to keep turning down my verification on the issue of exact day of birth which our old generation ID cards do not indicate the date/month, they just indicate the year of birth. When I spoke to their so called customer support, they too behaved like same "robotised computers", until I wondered what are they for if they can not think like human beings! They just behaved the exact way the programmed computer behaved. I went ahead and sent them my official government birth certificate, they still did nothing. They just keep telling me I upload the required document. They have all our countless emails exchange with them. They later asked me for my bank statement, a private and confidential document - which is very absurd, in the pretext that they want to transfer my funds to me via bank wire. I instead sent them my Mpesa Mobile Money statement, which is what I used to transact, the previous funds and also my Bank details for them to give me back my funds. They have done 100% nothing and they are not moved forgetting that anything that has a beginning has an end. They are behaving as though they are a law to themselves. I even ASKED THEM TO JUSK GIVE ME A) NE-TIME-PASSWORD (OTP), I WITHDRAW MY FUNDS AND THEY CLOSE THEIR ACCOUNT. Nothing is working. Is Skrill reall a genuine mobile money trandsfer company?
I need assistance lest they take away my funds by force. Because that is what they are showing they are capable of doing.