I received my item being returned by a buyer which she said that it is been repaired and has odour, I am certain that my bag has no odour and has not been repaired. When I received my bag some parts of the bag is missing which is the key ring and the sling. I read the return policy of the company and it says if the buyer has issue with the issue with the item it will be sent to Vestiaire to be examined if the buyer is right but in this circumstance my item has sent back to me and when I chat with one of the agent, sunny his name he just said that’s it my bag has odour, how does the agent know when this item is not been examined by Vestiaire instead it was sent back to me with missing part and the bag looks very worn out. This is very very disgraceful. I want a resolution with my complaint pls. I only received a bag with no sling and no key ring. I want to know why this bag was sent back to me instead it should be sent to you guys to check whether the buyer is telling the truth, in this case you are one sided and only thinks about the buyer
Desired outcome: I want this part of my bag back or reimbursement