Lakewood Estates and other Yes properties does credit and criminal background checks for prospective clients. Well seems like they aren't up on their game because when we moved in we found out that not one but three of our neighbors had criminal records that would curl your toes. And they have a clause where that if you violate the rules they will give a three day quit and vacate notice. Well we found out that someone threatened a child and that person according to the rules NEVER had any three day vacate notice placed upon him. He may have been possibly going to molest that poor child, we don't know. They also do a bait and switch. Bringing in clients taking deposits, placing them in a home and if the neighbors don't like these people they will set up a plan to get them evicted and once the eviction is in place the clients deposit is NEVER returned and some people are left homeless. I would like a FEDERAL INVESTIGATION on Yes Communities! They're running a ponzi type scam! I want to file complaints with HUD, the FTC and perhaps the FBI.