My family were on vacation in Orlando, FL. We went out to dinner when we noticed a sign offering Disney tickets for a discount. We entered the store and a very nice lady said to us we will offer you the tickets at a discounted price if you attend a 90-minute presentation. My husband and I agreed, and we all went to this presentation. Upon arriving we were greeted by a sales lady who seemed very nice in the beginning until we told her that we weren’t interested in buying anything without thinking about it and analyzing the purchase. We are a hard-working family, and we don’t purchase anything on impulse. This sales representative took us on the tour and literally berated my husband in front of our two grown sons to the point where my youngest son had, had enough of her demeaning my husband and left. She kept attacking my husband about his decisions on not doing much vacationing to the point where my husband was embarrassed and humiliated. She ruined our day at Disney to the point where my husband felt physically sick when we got home. This is unacceptable. I understand the pressure of being a salesperson and the need to sell but the way we were treated was infuriating. My sons were so disappointed in how calm we were, but we are people of culture, and we don’t go around offending or creating scenes. My husband is 71 years old and didn’t need to be treated the way this lady treated us.
It makes me very sad that we had to go through such an experience to save a couple of dollars that we didn’t need. The humiliation was not worth it.